Kick-off meeting on January 18, 2017 in Brussels of project “SAVEMEDCOASTS”, one of the 26 projects funded by the call 2016 of DG-ECHO

SAVEMEDCOASTS, project funded by the Call “Proposals for Prevention and Preparedness in Civil Protection and marine Pollution” of DG-ECHO

On January 18,2017 was held in the premises of DG ECHO in Brussels, the Kick-Off Meeting of the project SAVEMEDCOASTS – Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean coasts” .

SAVEMEDCOASTS , promoted by CGIAM and INGV, is one of the 26 projects funded by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) within the Call 2016 “Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection and marine Pollution”.

The call objective was to select projects able to support and integrate the efforts of the Member States and Third Countries in prevention and preparedness activities in the field of civil protection and marine pollution with a focus on the areas where a common european approach is more important.

The SAVEMEDCOASTS project, focused on the Prevention priority, aims to respond to the need for people and assets prevention from natural disasters in Mediterranean coastal areas undergoing to increasing sea level rise and climate change impacts.

Project objectives are:

  • Supporting civil protection at different levels and with different tools and methods, to produce exhaustive risk assessments for different periods;
  • Improving governance and raising community awareness towards the impacts of sea level rise and related hazard;
  • Fostering cooperation amongst science, affected communities and civil protection organizations within and between targeted Mediterranean areas.

Objective  of Kick-Off was to introduce and discuss the activities of the 26 projects awarded within the call for proposals 2016.

Moreover, the participants jointed to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) tours, in which its functions and activities have been described.

 For further information and updates, please visit the project website

#Narrazioni19 – Matera, Le Monacelle,17 Novembre 2016

#Narrazioni19 – edizione 2016 – è il secondo dei cinque appuntamenti annuali di riflessione sulla comunicazione e lo storytelling, per contribuire alla condivisione dei profili ideativi di Matera 2019, all’interno di politiche di sviluppo pensate per la Basilicata, il Mezzogiorno e l’Italia del futuro.

Ed è proprio in questo quadro che si articoleranno i diversi panel: si parlerà di nuove frontiere («#SudValley. Mezzogiorno digitale e Industria 4.0: cosa c’è da fare») e di opportunità per l’industria cinematografica («Camera a Sud: politiche, produzioni, territori e visioni dell’industria culturale del Mezzogiorno»). Ma il progresso è possibile solo se sono assicurate sicurezza e stabilità, soprattutto in un’area di frontiera posta tra Nord e Sud del mondo: per tale ragione si parlerà anche di Mediterraneo (con il panel «Al centro del Mare Nostrum. La sfida non più rinviabile della stabilizzazione del Mediterraneo»).

La giornata di studi sarà conclusa con l’intervista a Marcello Pittella, Presidente della Regione Basilicata.



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October 11, 2016 – ROME – Presentation of the documentary film “Emilio Colombo – Memorie di un Presidente”

At the Senate the presentation of the documentary

“Emilio Colombo. Memorie di un Presidente”


Tuesday, October 11, at 15:30, in Rome at the Zuccari hall of Palazzo Giustiniani in Rome, will take place the presentation of the documentary “Emilio Colombo. Memorie di un Presidente”.

Between 2009 and 2013, the President Colombo shared with CGIAM (Geomorphology Integrated Centre for the Mediterranean Area) the design of a long documentary about his intense and long political experience. In more than thirty hours of interviews, gathered by Alessandra Peralta, Colombo retraced the crucial stages of his life, from childhood to the presidency of the European Parliament.

The documentary, also the result of a long and detailed research action, contains testimonies given by the main protagonists who have crossed its history, as Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Mariotto Segni, Jacques Delors, Arnaldo Forlani, Antonio Fazio, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Maria Romana de Gasperi, Gianni Pittella, Gianfranco Ravasi, Giorgio Napolitano and Giampaolo D’Andrea. The production, the result of positive synergies between different skills and professionalism, today represents an important historiographical source for the study of Italian and European history after World War II.

Download invitation

July 25, 2016 – Presentation of the documentary film “Emilio Colombo – Memorie di un Presidente”


Presentation of the documentary film

Emilio Colombo
Memorie di un Presidente

by Alessandra Peralta and Cleto Cifarelli


Teatro F. Sabile di Potenza
July 25, 2016, 18:30



Dario De Luca
Sindaco di Potenza”

Welcome Speech
Antonio Colangelo
Promotore del progetto (CGIAM)”

Giampaolo D’Andrea
Storico e Capo di Gabinetto MIBACT”


Projection of the Documentary


Anna Colombo
Sorella del Presidente Emilio Colombo”

Marcello Pittella
Presidente della Regione Basilicata

Donato Verrastro
Università di Salerno e componente CISST”


Download PDF brochure

CGIAM participated at the High Level Forum on Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction at Local Level – United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) – Florence, June 16th and 17th.



16-17 JUNE, 2016  –  FLORENCE


CGIAM participated at the High Level Forum on Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction at Local Level, organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), in Florence on June 16th and 17th.

This High Level Forum gathered Ministers, Mayors, policymakers, local government authorities, private sector, experts and partners from across the world with interests and engagement in local and urban resilience and disaster risk reduction.

The forum highlighted the importance of disaster risk reduction at the core of the sustainable development and climate change agendas and promoted coherence in local level implementation of the international agreements.

At the end of the event, it has been adopted the declaration “The Florence Way Forward” for the implementation of the Sendai Framework at local level.

For any other information please visit the website of the Conference:

June 23, 2016 – Press Conference #Narrazioni19


Presentation of the conference documents

2015 Edition


Pressroom of  “Camera dei Deputati”
June 23, 2016, 11:30

Ivan Scalfarotto
Sottosegretario di Stato al Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico”

Marcello Pittella
Presidente  Regione Basilicata”

Cosimo Latronico – “Deputato Conservatori e Riformisti
Salvatore Margiotta – “Senatore Partito Democratico
Sergio Ragone – “Componente CISST”

Costanza CrescimbeniTg1


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June 20, 2016 – National Conference of the “Movimento Azzurro”


partecipate at the

National Conference of the “Movimento Azzurro”


movimento azzurroProposte per l’ambiente


Roma – Camera dei Deputati

Ingresso principale – Sala del Mappamondo

20 giugno 2016


Convegno Nazionale del

Movimento Azzurro


La questione Ambientale nella visione dell’ambientalismo cattolico

Attualità e prospettive nel pensiero di un precursore “Gianfranco Merli”


Ore 15,00 Apertura dei lavori

Ing. Alberto Fasciolo

Segretario Generale del Movimento Azzurro


I grandi temi della questione Ambientale

A 70 anni dalla Costituzione Italiana

50 anni dall’alluvione di Firenze

40 anni dalla Legge Merli


Dott. Rocco Chiriaco

Presidente Nazionale del Movimento Azzurro


Relatore Prof. Augusto Marinelli

Professore Ordinario di Economia ed Estimo Forestale – Università di Firenze

Il Ruolo delle foreste nella questione ambientale


Interventi dal pubblico


ore 16.30 Introduzione al

“Premio Nazionale per l’Ambiente Gianfranco Merli 2016”


Dott. Dante Fasciolo

Presidente dell’Accademia Scientifica del Movimento Azzurro


consegna dei riconoscimenti


termine dell’incontro ore 18,00

Download the brochure

Turkey – Technical Assistance to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD)


Technical Assistance to the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) in strengthening the institutional capacity and improving the disaster and emergency management system.


CGIAM has been awarded a two-years (2016-2018) technical assistance project funded by the European Commission – DG Cooperation and the Turkish Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU).

The project has been proposed by an international partnership led by NIRAS IC Sp. z o. o. with the cooperation of CGIAM, AGRIN Co. Ltd. (TR), Emergency Service College/Crisis Management Centre Finland (FI) and Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB) (PL).

General purpose of this project is strengthening AFAD’s institutional capacity and improving its disaster and emergency management system. In fact, the objectives in this Project are twofold addressing respectively the organisational and management aspects related with the institutional capacity building and the operation issues of the disaster risk reduction and emergency management cycle. A particular attention shall be given to the Civil Society Organisation involvement within the disaster risk reduction and emergency management.

Call 2015 DG ECHO_Call for proposals 2015 for prevention and preparedness projects in the field of civil protection and marine pollution

The European Commission,  DG ECHO, published a new Call for proposals 2015 for prevention and preparedness projects in the field of civil protection and marine pollution

Objective of the call is to select projects which support and complement the efforts of participating states and eligible third countries in prevention and preparedness in civil protection and marine pollution focusing on areas where a common European approach is more appropriate.
Applicants thus have to decide which budget item to apply for in order to finance their activities and shall pay particular attention to the countries eligible to be financed under each budget line.

Funds from the internal budget item can be allocated to projects where main beneficiaries are Participating States only, whereas funds from the external budget item can be allocated to projects addressing the needs in enlargement countries and European Neighbourhood Policy countries, (the eligible third countries).

The call covers TWO separate policy areas, prevention and preparedness, each with its specific objectives and budget.

Objectives for prevention projects:

Objective of this call for prevention policy area is to support and complement the efforts of participating states and eligible third countries in actions aimed at achieving a higher level of protection and resilience against disasters by preventing or reducing their effects.

Objectives for preparedness projects:

Objective of this call for preparedness policy area is to create better prerequisites for and improve preparedness, as well as enhance awareness of civil protection and/or marine pollution professionals and volunteers in the field of disaster preparedness.

The deadline for the submissione of proposals is 08/04/2015

More information are available on the following link:

Multiple framework service contract in the areas of science and technology options assessment (STOA) – European Parliament

Contract in 9 lots for provision of external expertise in the areas of science and technology options assessment (STOA) – European Parliament

CGIAM, as Lead Partner, in collaboration with Geocart S.p.A and Comunità Ambiente awarded the Lot 3 – Environment (including climate change) for the provision of specialised consultancy services in the areas of science and technology options assessment (TA) of the European Parliament. Through the framework service contract, expertise shall be provided in the form of briefing papers, research papers, studies or ad hoc services.

Scope of this framework contract is to provide to STOA with high-quality, independent assessments of scientific and technical issues in the following main domains of environmental policies (non-exhaustive list):

— sustainable development,
— climate change,
— waste,
— noise,
— air pollution,
— water,
— nature and biodiversity,
— soil protection,
— civil protection,
— environment and health interactions,
— environment monitoring technologies, including space technologies.

We are implementing  a Database of experts in the above environmental domains, for more information, please visit our web page Work with us/Tender notice.