Centro Internazionale per gli Studi Storici, Sociali e dei Territori

The “Centro Internazionale per gli Studi Storici, Sociali e dei territori” (CISST), responds to the principles and the Statute of CGIAM , which it is an integral part with a specific section.

The main purpose of CISST is to enhance the historical and cultural heritage, through historical research, the recovery of sources and audiovisual material and the dissemination through the use of new media.


Presentazione Cisst

The purposes that the CISST pursues are the following:

  • implementation and enhancement of library, archival and media of CGIAM;

  • promotion and coordination of scientific research in the field of studies on historical, social sciences and territories, in regional, national and international scope;

  • promotion of scientific activities, study and research in collaboration with other public and private institutions;

  • promotion and coordination of education and training activities for the purpose of knowledge transfer and activation of lifelong learning paths in the historical sciences, social and territories;

  • promotion and coordination of documentation, information and dissemination, through the press and any other appropriate mass media of studies in the areas falling within its competence;

  • production, promotion, coordination and dissemination of activities related to the field of multimedia communication, audiovisual and film.

The activities that the CISST aims to achieve in the short-medium term are:

  • Conference entitled “Basilicata, luogo ideale: cinema and tele-tourism as a driving force for the development of the territory .”
    The conference has as its purpose the promotion of the entire territory of Lucania as an ideal movie set and place particularly suited for new audiovisual productions.

  • Review on historical auteur documentaries in Basilicata.

  • The production of documentaries about events and famous people of the region to be presented at events dedicated and published on the web and CISST’s social channels.

  • Realization of a book and a documentary on the person of Emilio Colombo.

  • Cycle History Conference: the first two, between May and June, will be held by Guido Melis and Piero Bevilacqua. The first, Professor of “Storia delle Istituzioni” at the University of Rome, will address the theme “Making the state, to make Italians“, with focus on the new set of macro-regions. The second, a leading expert of the contemporary history of the South, will give a lecture on “Land use in the South and in Italy” (both in historical key, refer to either the current dynamics).


For information on CISST and its initiatives visit the link: https://cisst.wordpress.com/