Construction of response spectra of the Post Seismic – Permanent Residual Displacements of dynamic elastoplastic Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) Systems

Costruzione di spettri di risposta degli spostamenti permanenti residui post-sisma di sistemi dinamici elastoplastici Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) 1The definition of mathematical tools, useful for the evaluation of Post Seismic – Permanent Residual Displacements (PS-PRD) of dynamic elastoplastic SDOF systems is the main purpose of this work consisting in the development of a numerical constructions method of the PS-PRD spectra and its subsequent analytical formulation resulting from the spectra utilization.

The evaluation of the permanent displacements in the constructions, after an earthquake, is really expensive both from an engineering point of view and also for all the computational problems. It is representative of complex structural issues, of unconventional character, achieved through incremental dynamic analysis, non linear, conducted using Multi Degree of Freedom (MDOF) models.

In case a SDOF modeling obtains the characterization of the structural behavior up to adequately  represent the global aspects of the constructions, it is possible to use simplified methods, such as the basic response spectra, for the assessment of Post Seismic – Permanent Residual Displacements (PS-PRD).