Art. 1 – The “Library Maurizio Leggeri“, at the Centre of Integrated Geomorphology for the Mediterranean Area – CGIAM, is a library specialized in Earthquake Engineering, with the aim of collect, sort, store and make available to users all its material.

Art. 2 – The Library opening time is the following: from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00 (except during closing periods of CGIAM). After 17:00, it will be not possible to forward the requests for consultation and / or borrowing.

Art. 3The time may be modified in relation to scientific events or maintenance works, which will be immediately notified.

Art. 4In order to access to the Library, it is necessary to fill in the specific application form, in which must be declared: surname, name, residential address, occupation and motivation of the research. The consultation must be authorized by the Library Director, who will sign the temporary permit access.

Art. 5 – CGIAM reserves the right to limit, in case of necessity, the number of users admitted in the Library at the same time.

Art. 6 – Introducing personal photocopying devices, audio reproduction devices and telephones is not allowed to the users. Moreover, smoking, eating or drinking are not allowed.

Art. 7 – In case of non-compliance with the standards of conduct above described, the staff is authorized to move on the reader and will report him/her for withdrawing the permission to access to the Library.

Art. 8 – To consult volumes or periodicals, the users should use the specific forms, indicating author, title, any number and shelf mark of the volume, detectable from the available catalogs. The consultation is usually limited to three volumes at a time.

Art. 9 In case of documents of particular value, the consultation will take place under the staff supervision.

Art. 10 The user should treat the document with the utmost care: in particular, it is forbidden to lean on the document and apply any mark, even with light pencil. Failure to comply with these rules, the user will be immediately sent off from the consultation, in addition to the compensations for any damage.

Art. 11 At the end of the consultation, the volumes must be returned to the staff, who will relocate them or make them available to the user.

Art. 12 Borrowing is allowed upon presentation of a valid ID document.

Art. 13 Borrowing has a maximum duration of fifteen days, and it is not immediately renewable. It is possible to borrow not more than one volume at a time.

Art. 14 The volumes owned by the Library in a single copy, the works of regular consultation, periodicals, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographies, yearbooks and similar, rare or precious works, the works not yet inventoried, catalogued and placed, as well as – except special permission from the President – any publication prior to 1900 are excluded from the borrowing service.

Art. 15 Who consults at the library offices or borrows library material, or otherwise, is committed to a diligent preservation and restitution of the consulted material without causing damages within the terms above indicated (see Articles 10 and 13).

Art. 16 Who loses or damages a work – even independently of any direct or indirect liability – is suspended from the borrow and is obliged to replace it. In case of unavailability of the work, even on the antiquities market, he/she should replace it with a bound photocopy, and moreover to pay a sum equal to the market value of the work.

Art. 17 With explicit permission of the Director, and upon payment of the established fee, it is possible the photocopy service of the pages of consulted volumes only if in compliance with the current copyright legislation. In any case, it will not possible to take more than 25 copies per day. Any photographic reproduction service must be authorized in advance (the request must be submitted ​​by filling in the appropriate forms) and must take place within the library offices.

Art. 18 Books and periodicals prior to 1830, volumes of large format, documents in a poor state of preservation, as well as geographical and topographical maps, drawings and tables are not reproducible.

Art. 19 If the reproduced material should be used for editorial purposes, the user will require in writing the permission to publish it and provide, if granted, a presentation copy to CGIAM; in case of reproduction for commercial purposes, CGIAM will define the conditions, possibly also financial, for the authorization.

The Director