PHARE TWINNING EE06-IB-TWP-ESC-03: Estimation of concentrations of radionuclides in Estonian ground waters and related health risks

Diapositiva3_2Duration: November 2008 – September 2009

Country: Estonia

Budget Project: € 74.000,00


Direct Beneficiary: Health Protection Inspectorate (HPI)
Other Beneficiaries: Radiation Protection Centre, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Association of Estonian Water Producers, Geological Survey of Estonia, Institute of Physics of University of Tartu, municipalities.

Health Protection Inspectorate (HPI) is a governmental institution supervised by Ministry of Social Affairs. HPI is responsible for surveillance of environmental health risk factors. HPI was the Project Manager.

Sector: Health care

Overall Objective: Minimisation of health risks caused by chemical substances in drinking waters.

Project purpose: Minimisation of health risks caused by radionuclides in Estonian drinking waters.

Mandatory results

The Beneficiary Country and the Member State jointly achieved the following results:

  • Concentrations of radionuclides in Estonian ground waters and related health risks are known and recorded;
  • The most appropriate method for removal of radionuclides from water found;
  • Guidelines concerning surveillance methods, analysis methods and threshold safety levels have been developed.


  • Sampling and analyses of ground waters have been carried out and reported;
  • Results of tests for removal of radionuclids have been published;
  • Guidelines concerning surveillance methods, analysis methods and threshold safety levels have been published;


1. Reviewing of existing data and resources;

2. Compiling of sampling plan;

3. Analysing of concentrations of radionuclides;

4. Finding the most appropriate method for removal of radionuclides;

5. Working out guidelines concerning surveillance methods and analysis methods;

6. Working out recommendations for setting threshold levels and taking measures for minimising of health risks.