Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Anzidei, M.; Tolomei, C.; Trippanera, D.; Alberti, T.; Bosman, A.; Brunori, C.A.; Serpelloni, E.; Vecchio, A.; Falciano, A.; Deli, G. (2025) Multi-temporal Relative Sea Level Rise Scenarios up to 2150 for the Venice Lagoon (Italy). Remote Sens. 2025, 17, 820. doi:10.3390/rs17050820

Console, R.; Carluccio, R.; Vannoli, P. (2025). Stress, occurrence rates and b-value on the Nankai megathrust system inferred from earthquake simulation, Geophys. J. Int., 2025, 241, Issue 1, April 2025, 58–69, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaf032

Spassiani, I.; Gentili, S.; Console, R.; Murru, M.; Taroni, M.; Falcone, G. (2025). Reconciling the Irreconcilable: Window-Based versus Stochastic Declustering Algorithms. Geophys. J. Int., 2025, 240, Issue 2, February 2025, 1009–1027, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae425

Valensise, G .; Console, R.; Carluccio, R.; Vannoli, P. (2024). Seismotectonics‐Driven Estimation of b‐Value: Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment. Seismol. Res. Lett. 2024, 95 (6), 3192-3206. doi:10.1785/0220240030

Console, R.; Carluccio, R.; Vannoli, P. (2024). Simulated Seismicity as a Tool for Studying the Long-Term Seismogenic Process: An Italy–Japan Comparison. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 7900. doi:10.3390/app14177900

Taroni, M., Console, R., Montuori, C. et al. (2024). Statistically significant difference between earthquake size distributions of independent and triggered seismicity. Commun Earth Environ 5, 193 (2024). doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01367-x

Falciano, A.; Anzidei, M.; Greco, M.; Trivigno, M.L.; Vecchio, A.; Georgiadis, C.; Patias, P.; Crosetto, M.; Navarro, J.; Serpelloni, E.; Tolomei, C.; Martino, G.; Mancino, G.; Arbia, F.; Bignami, C.; Doumaz, F. (2024). Il WebGIS di SAVEMEDCOASTS-2: un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per la gestione sostenibile delle coste contro l’innalzamento del livello del mare. Studi costieri, 2023, 53–68, ISSN 1129-8588

Anzidei, M., Alberti, T., Vecchio, A., Loizidou, X., Orthodoxou, D., Serpelloni, E., Falciano, A., Ferrari, C. (2024). Sea level rise and extreme events along the Mediterranean coasts: the case of Venice and the awareness of local population, stakeholders and policy makers. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei. doi:10.1007/s12210-024-01236-x

Falciano, A.; Anzidei, M.; Greco, M.; Trivigno, M.L.; Vecchio, A.; Georgiadis, C.; Patias, P.; Crosetto, M.; Navarro, J.; Serpelloni, E.; Tolomei, C.; Martino, G.; Mancino, G.; Arbia, F.; Bignami, C.; Doumaz, F. (2023). The SAVEMEDCOASTS-2 webGIS: The Online Platform for Relative Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Scenarios up to 2100 for the Mediterranean Coasts. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 11, 2071. doi:10.3390/jmse11112071

Console R., Vannoli P., (2023). Improving seismic hazard assessment in the Mediterranean Region. Ann. Geophys., 66, doi:10.4401/ag-8881

Mancino, G., Console, R., Greco, M., Trivigno, M.L., Falciano, A. (2023). Monitoring the vegetation stress coming from anthropogenic activities by modeling phenology using Sentinel-2 data, Ann. Geophys., 66, doi:10.4401/ag-8837

Console, R., Vannoli, P., and Carluccio, R. (2023). The 2022 Seismic Sequence in the Northern Adriatic Sea and Its Long-Term Simulation, Applied Sciences, 13(6), doi:10.3390/app13063746

Console, R., Vannoli, P., and Falcone, G. (2023). Magnitude distribution and clustering properties of the 3D seismicity in central Apennines (Italy), Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggad017

Pastoressa, A. E., Murru, M., Taroni, M., Console, R., Montuori, C., Falcone, G., and Di Stefano, R. (2023). Temporal variations of seismicity rates and Gutenberg-Richter b-values for a stochastic declustered catalog: an example in central Italy, Seismol. Res. Lett., doi:10.1785/0220220298

Mancino, G., Falciano, A., Console, R., and Trivigno, M.L. (2023). Comparison between Parametric and Non-Parametric Supervised Land Cover Classifications of Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8 OLI Data. Geographies, 2023, 3, 82-109. doi:10.3390/geographies3010005

Mancino, G., Falciano, A., and Trivigno, M. L. (2022). Capacità di resilienza delle aree percorse dal fuoco tramite analisi di dati satellitari, RISK elaboration, ISSN 2724-1971, III (2), p. 127-137 (download)

Spassiani, I., Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S., Console, R., Falcone, G., and Murru, M. (2022). Comparison analysis of the ETAS model with Gutenberg-Richter (GR), Tapered-GR and characteristic magnitude distributions, Geoph. J. Int., 2022; ggac347, doi:10.1093/gji/ggac347

Mangira, O., Console, R., Papadimitriou, E., Murru, M., and Karakostas, V. (2022). An Earthquake-Clustering Model in North Aegean Area (Greece). Axioms, 11, 249.

Console, R., Vannoli, P. and Carluccio, R. (2022). Physics-based simulation of sequences with foreshocks, aftershocks and multiple main shocks in Northern and Central Apennines (Italy), Applied Sciences, 12, 2062, doi:10.3390/app12042062

Console, R., Carluccio, Murru, M., Papadimitriou, E., and  Karakostas, V. (2022).  Physics-based simulation of spatiotemporal patterns of earthquakes in the Corinth Gulf fault system., Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 112 (1): 98–117. doi:10.1785/0120210038

Mancino, G., Console, R., Greco, M., Iacovino, C., Trivigno, M.L., and Falciano, A. (2022). Assessing Vegetation Decline Due to Pollution from Solid Waste Management by a Multitemporal Remote Sensing Approach. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 428. doi:10.3390/rs14020428

Console, R. (2021). Il rischio sismico nell’area mediterranea e la sua mitigazione – (Area tematica 7). COMEN Conferenza Mediterranea – Colloqui Interculturali Mediterranei 2020-2021.

Pignatelli, A., D’Ajello Caracciolo, F. and Console, R. (2021). Automatic inspection and analysis of digital waveform images by means of convolutional neural networks, J. Seismol.,  251347–1359, doi:10.1007/s10950-021-10055-8

Kourouklas, C., Console, R., Papadimitriou, E., Murru, M. and Karakostas, V. (2021). Modeling the strong earthquakes recurrence times along the North Aegean Trough Fault Zone (Greece) with a physics-based simulator, Geoph. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggab085

Kourouklas, C., Console, R., Papadimitriou, E., Murru, M. and Karakostas, V. (2021). Strong earthquakes recurrence times of the Southern Thessaly, Greece, Fault System: Insights from a physics-based simulator application, Front. Earth Sci., doi:10.3389/feart.2021.596854

Kourouklas, C., Mangira, O., Console, R., Papadimitriou, E., Murru, M. and Karakostas, V. (2021). Short-term clustering modeling of seismicity in Eastern Aegean Sea (Greece): A retrospective forecast test of the 2017 Mw=6.4 Lesvos, 2017 Mw=6.6 Kos and 2020 Mw=7.0 Samos Earthquake Sequences. Acta Geophys.69, 1085–1099 (2021). doi:10.1007/s11600-021-00583-9

Murru, M., Falcone, G., Taroni, M. and Console, R. (2020). Application of an ensemble earthquake rate model in Italy, considering seismic catalogs and fault moment release. Ann. of Geophys. 63, 6, SE674, 2020; doi:10.4401/ag-8441

Console, R. and Carluccio, R. (2020). Earthquake simulators development and application, in “Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis”, Limnios, N., Papadimitriou. E. and Tsaklidis, G. Editors, Chapter 2, ISTE, John Wiley (London), SCIENCES series, 57 Pages.

Console, R., Carluccio, R., Murru, M., Papadimitriou, E., and  Karakostas, V. (2020).  Physics-based simulation of spatiotemporal patterns of earthquakes in the Corinth Gulf fault system, Submitted for publication on J. Geophys. Res. doi:10.1002/essoar.10502902.1

Spicciarelli, R., Mirauda, D., and Mancino, G. (2020). Lago Grande in Monticchio Area (Southern Italy): Integrating Multitemporal Airborne Images, Satellite Images (Sentinel-2) and Historical Data to Assess the Extent of Nymphaea Alba L. and Taxodium Distichum (L.) Rich in Natural Habitats of Directive 92/43/E. International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 2(1), 1–23. Retrieved from

Console, R., Murru, M., Vannoli, P., Carluccio, R., Taroni, M., Falcone, G. (2020). Physics-based simulation of sequences with multiple mainshocks in Central Italy, Geophysical Journal International, ggaa300. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa300.

Nardò, S., Console, R. and Terranova, C. (2020). L’applicazione delle tecnologie di Telerilevamento radar nel Progetto ReSTART per l’analisi ed il monitoraggio delle deformazioni superficiali e sub superficiali. Retrieved 17 June, 2020, from the Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Centrale Web Site:

Materni, V., Giuntini, A., Console, R. (2019). Earthquake location by a sparse seismic network. Journal of Seismology. doi:10.1007/s10950-018-09812-z

Greco, M., Martino, G., Guariglia, A., Trivigno, M. L., Sansanelli, V., Losurdo, A. and Mossuto, g. et al. (2018). Integrated SDSS for Environmental Risk Analysis in Sustainable Coastal Area Planning. In: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018. ICCSA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10964. Springer, Cham.

Parsons, T., Geist, E. L., Console, R., and Carluccio, R. (2018). Characteristic earthquake magnitude frequency distributions on faults calculated from consensus data in California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 10,761– 10,784. doi:10.1029/2018JB016539

Console, R., Chiappini, M., Minelli, L. et al. (2018). Seismic hazard in southern Calabria (Italy) based on the analysis of a synthetic earthquake catalog. Acta Geophys. (2018) 66: 931. doi:10.1007/s11600-018-0181-7

Console, R., Vannoli, P., Carluccio, R. (2018). The seismicity of the Central Apennines (Italy) studied by means of a physics-based earthquake simulator. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 212, Issue 2, February 2018, Pages 916–929. doi:10.1093/gji/ggx451

Mangira, O., Console, R., Papadimitriou, E., Vasiliadis, G. (2018). A restricted Linked Stress Release Model (LSRM) for the Corinth gulf (Greece). Tectonophysics 723 (2018) 162–171. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.12.011

Anzidei, M. (2018). SAVEMEDCOASTS Un progetto europeo di protezione civile per la valutazione degli impatti di aumento del livello marino e dei rischi costieri nel Mediterraneo. Geomedia, XXII, 6, 2018, pp. 42-45.

Greco, M., Martino, G., Guariglia, A., Trivigno, L., Losurdo, A. e Sansanelli, V., (2017). Sviluppo di un DSS integrato per il monitoraggio dell’ambiente costiero. Studi costieri 2017 – 26: 115 – 128, ISSN 1129-8588.

Greco, M., Martino, G., Guariglia, A., Trivigno, L., Sansanelli, V., and Losurdo, A. (2017). Development of an Integrated SDSS for Coastal Risks Monitoring and Assessment. J Coast Zone Manag 20: 446. doi: 10.4172/2473-3350.1000446

Vannoli, P., Bernardi, F., Palombo, B., Vannucci, G., Console, R., and Ferrari, G. (2016). New constraints shed light on strike-slip faulting beneath the southern Apennines (Italy): The 21 August 1962 Irpinia multiple earthquake. Tectonophysics, Volume 691, Part B, 22 November 2016, 375-384. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.10.032

Console, R., Mercuri, A., Carluccio, R., Chiappini, M. (2016). Analisi delle condizioni di sismicità nelle aree di discarica della Regione Sicilia prese in considerazione nel Progetto SIGLOD. Quaderni di Geofisica 2016.

Murru, M., Akinci, A., Falcone, G., Pucci, S., Console, R., and Parsons, T. (2016). M≥7 earthquake rupture forecast and time-dependent probability for the sea of Marmara region, Turkey. J. Geophys. Res.Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012595

Console, R., Carluccio, R., Papadimitriou, E. and Karakostas, V. (2015). Synthetic Earthquake catalogs simulating Seismic Activity in the Corinth Gulf, Greece, Fault System. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 326–343, doi:10.1002/2014JB011765

Perretti, B., Guida, S., Saladino, R., Sansanelli, V., Scarfoglio, C., Trivigno, M. L. (2015). Sistema informativo territoriale per i vigneti del Vulture. Supplemento a L’Informatore Agrario, 71, 2015, pp. 18-20.

Murru, M., Zhuang, J., Console, R., Falcone, G. (2014). Short-term earthquake forecasting experiment before and during the L’Aquila (central Italy) seismic sequence of April 2009. Annals of Geophysics, 57, 6, 2014, S0649; doi:10.4401/ag-6583

Akinci, A., Murru, M., Console, R., Falcone, G., and Pucci, S. (2013). Earthquake Forecasting Models and their Impact on the Ground Motion Hazard in the Marmara Region, Turkey. 32° Convegno GNGTS, Trieste, 14-17 novembre 2013.

Console, R., Falcone, G., Karakostas, V., Murru, M., Papadimitriou, E., and Rhoades, D. (2013). Renewal models and co-seismic stress transfer in the Corinth Gulf, Greece, fault system. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, 3655–3673. doi:10.1002/jgrb.50277

Console, R., Yamaoka, K., and Zhuang, J. (2012). Implementation of Short- and Medium-Term Earthquake Forecasts. International Journal of Geophysics, vol. 2012, Article ID 217923, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/217923

Mosca, I., Console, R., D’Addezio, G. (2012). Renewal models of seismic recurrence applied to paleoseismological and historical observations. Tectonophysics, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.06.028

Falcone, G., Console, R., Murru, M. (2010). Short-term and long-term earthquake occurrence models for Italy ETES, ERS and LTST. Ann. Geophysics, 2010.

Frepoli, A., Maggi, C., Cimini, G. B., Marchetti, A., Chiappini, M. (2010). Seismotectonics of Southern Apennines from recent passive seismic experiments. J. Geodynamics, 2010.

Console, R., Murru, M., and Falcone, G. (2010). Perturbation of earthquake probability for interacting faults by static Coulomb stress changes. J. Seismology, 2010.

Maggi, C., Frepoli, A., Cimini, G. B., Console, R., Chiappini, M. (2009). Recent seismicity and crustal stress field in the Lucanian Apennines and surrounding areas (Southern Italy): Seismotectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 2009.

Console, R. (2009). Previsioni sismiche e loro validazione. Viaggio nelle aree del terremoto del 16 dicembre 1857 Vol. V, INGV-SGA, 2009.

Console, R., Murru, M., Falcone, G., and Catalli, F. (2008). Stress interaction effect on the occurrence probability of characteristic earthquakes in Central Apennines, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B08313, doi:10.1029/2007JB005418

Losurdo, A., Pacifico, S., Sarli, V., Colangelo, A., and Leggeri, M. (2008). Integration of differential SAR Interferometry and ancillary GIS Data for the study of superficial deformations. EARSeL eProceedings, 7(1),21 – 29.

Guariglia, A., Buonamassa, A., Losurdo, A., Saladino, R., Trivigno, M. L., Zaccagnino, A. and Colangelo, A. (2006). A multisource approach for coastline mapping and identification of shoreline changes. Annals of Geophysics, [S.l.], v. 49, n. 1, dec. 2006. ISSN 2037-416X. doi:

Marzo, C., Losurdo, A., Leggeri, M., and Colangelo, A. (2005). Applicazioni delle Tecniche Interferometriche differenziali SAR per il monitoraggio degli spostamenti dei fabbricati nella località di Maratea. Atti della Conferenza ASITA 2005, 2, 453-459.

Rizzo, V., and Leggeri, M. (2004). Slope instability and sagging reactivation at Maratea (Potenza, Basilicata, Italy). Engineering Geology, 71(3–4), 181–198.

Leggeri, M., Lacava, G., and Viola, E. (2003). Reinforced concrete frame building. World Housing Encyclopedia Report.

Leggeri, M. (2003). La difesa dai terremoti e il progresso scientifico. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXVIII, 105, 1/2003, giugno 2003, 41-48.

Leggeri, M. (2003). Eppur si muove. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXVII, 103, 3/2002, marzo 2003, 33-34.

Leggeri, M. (2002). Terremoti: un’alleanza mondiale per la prevenzione del rischio. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXVII, 101, 1/2002, marzo 2002, 25-30.

Leggeri, M. (2001). Scenari dei terremoti in Italia Meridionale. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXVI, 98, marzo 2001, 11-20.

Leggeri, M. (2001+?). The Aseismic Upgrading of the Structures in the “Grande Albergo” Hotel – Potenza (Italy). Remarks in the light of the new researches. Monografia.

Arcangeli, A., Costabile, A., and Leggeri, M. (2000). The Aseismic Upgrading of the Structures in the “Grande Albergo” Hotel – Potenza (Italy). Monografia.

Leggeri, M. (2000). Per una casa sempre più sicura. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXV, 97, dicembre 2000, 41-46.

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Leggeri, M. (1999). La sismicità della Val d’Agri. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXIV, 91, 1/99, luglio 1999, 49-54.

Leggeri, M. (1999). Il terremoto del Pollino. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXIII, 90, 6/98, aprile 1999, 29-32.

Leggeri, M. (1998). Il problema della sismicità della regione. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXIII, 89, 4-5/98, dicembre 1998, 221-226.

Leggeri, M. (1998). Il ruolo del monitoraggio nel controllo del territorio. Basilicata Regione Notizie, anno XXII, 86, 5/97, gennaio 1998, 5-16.

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Leggeri, M. (1994). Gli studi sulla sismicità della Basilicata: lo stato dell’arte. Ricerca e prevenzione: un binomio vincente. Basilicata Regione Notizie, 1-2, anno XIX, 73, 1994, 7-16.